Gregg Shorthand

Gregg Shorthand

I stumbled on a video on YouTube of a person being able to write at the speed of 130 words per minutes and was amazed.

Purely YouTube algorithm!

So I thought to myself, it looks fun! Why not trying it then?

So I began to learn it.

Let me introduce you to brief information on Gregg Shorthand. Nowadays, there are plenty of Shorthand systems, just like a variety of languages in the world, and among them, the most well-known are Teeline and Gregg Shorthand. I chose Gregg Shorthand out of pure random, but you can try Teeline too. However, they all serve the same purpose: To help you dictate faster, even at a speaking speed.

Shorthand system is based on sound, which means that words are not written based on the letters, but on sounds. For example, little can be written as litl, hello is helo, read is rid,... They are based on sounds. Because English, when it comes to pronunciation, is a mess!
With that, they have a variety of ways to join sounds together, through curve, line, dot. Some high-frequent words may have what is called "brief form", which is a special form to write these words even faster. Never becomes nv, they becomes th, you is o,... Just for a connection, how many of you when instead of development, write this:

development = ⬆️

It's been nearly a week since I started learning this, and until now, I'm still madly interested in it.

If you are interested in Gregg Shorthand, I highly recommend you to use this book called Gregg Shorthand Functional Method, which is divided into two parts. It focuses a lot on deducing rules through examples, learning to read first before producing... Also, it's been recommended by lots of people in the community, especially the masters in Gregg Shorthand.
Besides, these two websites are your assistant:
1. : Gregg Shorthand's dictionary.
2. For general instructions, alphabets, brief forms, history of the system and more!

When you dive in more, you may realise that there are a lot of versions of Gregg Shorthand and you are confused. The general solution is, focus on only one, and it is Anniversary version, as this one has a lot of resources, and comparing to its previous version Simplified, it has some major changes to even enhance the writing speed.

I hope you that through this post, you will get interested in Gregg Shorthand and look into it a bit!

Here is a small introductory writing-aesthetic kind of video, which has inspired me to learn this system even more :D

If you can read this, say hello!

